Bored with reading "oh the game is going on fine, but there are small problems" type posts? Want to know exactly what is going on? Well refer my blog entry which gives out extended technical details on what exactly is going on with the game. Let me warn you though, it contains some gory technical details.
If you are a techie type you can check out my blog. I often give out far more details of the game technology and the posts are more technology specific than over here. That's it for this time.
Doofus Longears - The game.
Susheel's Blog Headlines
Sunday, August 26, 2007
An extended update.
Posted by
5:12 AM
Saturday, August 11, 2007
Beta feedback updates.
Based on beta feedback I have made some changes to the third-person camera. Now the camera is much much smoother for lower FPS values. This is just great because now the game appearers to run far smoother on lower FPS values than it did earlier. I am currently working on minor issues (also based on the feedback) with camera itself.
The AI work is also ON simultaneously. I generally hate to take up two issues at once, but I need my new modifications tested as well and I am trying to balance out things so that beta testing can go on simultaneously. Not the most ideal of situations I know, but can't help it. The AI tweaks are taking longer than anticipated, but then again there are some business issues that I am looking into as well.
Some minor issues still remain. Especially ones like flickering on ATI cards and some problems with disappearing triangles on some cards. Why can't people just buy NVIDIA cards and make life simpler for us (game developers). Oh well, got to live with that.
Whew its been a very hectic week. Nearly put in 90+ hours already. I need to take a break and give the cerebrum a rest.
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4:18 AM