Doofus Longears - The game.

Susheel's Blog Headlines

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Game Released!

Doofus Longears™ - Get 'em Gems is released. Find it on it's very own website. This blog as of now is migrated here.

Thursday, May 29, 2008

New screenshots.

We have been working on polishing things up with the game and removing some final glitches with the gameplay. In the meantime, it's time for some new screenshots .

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Doofus headed towards last and final beta

The cat's out of the bag. Doofus 3D has long last reached its last and final beta release stage (0.0.4b). Sorry no download yet, but we are happy to announce that this will be the last release of the beta before the game goes into release candidate state when a demo will be available for download. The full and final gold release will follow soon after.

Some bug fixing does follow a beta release so we are still busy perfecting the game as a whole. However, I will announce the official release candidate date soon.

Friday, February 22, 2008

We are alive!

Yes we are alive and kicking. Doofus 3D is not on hold and development is ON at a furious pace. A lot has been revamped in the engine and the game. We hope it will add to to the overall end result. For those who have been following the game expect some good news soon! In the meantime keep checking and for more details.